Saturday, July 5, 2008

HOA Meeting for BBC Set for July 17th

Matt Cummings Writes:

Please note that the HOA meeting for Bungalows, Brownstones, and Cottages will take place on Thursday, July 17th at 6:00.  We have several topics to discuss, including the approval of our Rules and Regulations.  Also, we’ll be introducing the new building projects occurring in the area, and providing an update on the Cap Village Commercial tenants.  If there is something you would like to see added to the agenda, please email me at  On behalf of the board, I look forward to seeing you.

Neighborhood Watch Meeting on July 8th

Matt Cummings Writes:

RCPD hosts a quarterly Q&A session on safety issues at the Rockingham Station, located at 10361 Rockingham Drive.  Their next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 8th at 6:30 pm.  Topics for the evening vary by meeting, but it’s always an excellent method to meet the men and women who protect our homes and streets.  Hope to see you there!