Friday, June 18, 2010

Rancho Cordova Named 'All-America City'

(AP) - The National Civic League has announced the 10 winners of its 2010 All-America City awards.

The Denver-based group announced the winners Friday of the award recognizing communities that have addressed issues with innovative, grassroots efforts among public, private and nonprofit entities. League President Gloria Rubio Cortes says the cities represent what is working in American communities...

To qualify, communities had to submit three examples of successful community-based problem-solving. This year's winners addressed such issues as homelessness, obesity, economic development, low-income housing, improving schools and diversity and inclusion.

(KCRA) - Rancho Cordova highlighted a Saturday school that teachers children about different cultures, a program that collects socks for homeless children and a City Hall that is used for weddings and church services.

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